About: The background

Why am I blogging?
My name is Catherine and I am a facebook addict.

The addiction to facebook has lead to a series of facebook status updates of things the girls have said, more commonly known as "The Pixie's quote of the day" (or the Buglet's or  the Tinker's or a combination of all of them).

The "Pixie quote of the day" status updates has lead to several things. Including:
  1. My children developing a possibly unhealthy interest in what I say about them on facebook (in my defence this only started as Bugglet then Tinker turned 12 and were allowed on facebook. Before that they were fairly oblivous);
  2. Me thinking that not only were my children hilarious, that I was pretty amazing for having them. Also me thinking that my writing was worth reading even if all I was doing was repeating things the infants say; and
  3. People telling me that I should be recording all these things somewhere other then facebook, and people telling me that I should start a blog.
So here we are!

Who are we?
If you check out The Cast tab, you will find a list of the main people who feature in our daily lives.

But in short, we are a fairly normal family, living a fairly normal if somewhat busy life. Our "house family" consists of the girls, me and an assortment of pets and we generally include their father in this list even though he doesn't live with us. There is also a broad circle of extended family and friends who you may get to meet as we go along.

We live in Perth, Western Australia. We dance (the girls a lot better than me). We sing (although some of us shouldn't). We read heaps and we re-read and we love books. We are Girl Guides. We like theatre and performing arts. We support the Fremantle Dockers and Tinker's soccer team.

And if you want to know more, reading the blog should give you a fairly good insight into the way we think. Or post a question below and I will do my very best to answer it.


  1. You need a 'the cast' tab ��

    1. Twins! I have one in draft format, but I had to settle on nicknames for everyone. I will work on it this week. Clearly great minds think alike :D
