Bast part of this quote, she had no idea she was being funny when she said it
The concept of a family blog has been around for a while. Once I finally decided to actually do it, I naturally mentioned it to the children. Partly out of habit, partly because if they hated the idea of me writing about them I would have had to rethink, partly because I wanted to hear what suggestions they would come up with for a name. Their preferred choice of name has been "The Pixie's quote of the day" (disappointing, I was hoping for something more original). Tinks in particular was in favour of this; funnily enough the Pixie had lost interest. However, I am pretty sure that as a parent who is responsible for bringing them up to be useful members of society, Pixie having a blog named after her is not in anyone's best interest, especially as the above quote shows! Plus I'd hate to put her under any pressure.I happen to like the name.
The girls are not so keen, even once I explained the "clever double meaning".
I am the mother. Sometimes I get veto rights. Especially when I am the person actually writing, even if they are providing the material., so unless anyone else has any brilliant suggestions, the name stands.
I suppose some credit should go to their father; his suggestion was "my mini philosophers".
Just as a side note, neither of us has actually minored, or majored for that matter, in philosophy. My mum is a PhD. Try explaining to my girls why she is a "Doctor of Philosophy" in Maths! This did not help their liking of the name.
And special mention to my facebook friend who suggested the name "You can't leave it all up to me" after reading the above quote. This post is for you!
On this day in 2013 I was the first commenter on the first post of the soon-to-be world famous 'Philosphy Minor' blog!
ReplyDeleteGREAT name.
Thank you for commenting! I feel very special :)