I remember being beyond fascinated that Shakespeare invented the words "gloomy" and "hurry". Can you imagine a world without the word "hurry"? "Gloomy", I feel, is a bit underused these days which is a shame 'cos it is really a very expressive word. Say it out loud! Go on. Don't you think it sounds like its meaning? Eeyore knew a thing or two!
Yesterday's car conversation focused on onomatopoeia, and I have to confess that this happened after a discussion on the the difference between onomatopoeia and acronyms ...
Buglet enthusiastically: Let's all think of as many onomatopoeia words as we can.
*awkward silence*
Me: That is totally nerdy. Even for us.
Today's confession. I laughed at my daughter, called her a nerd, then told her I was going to blog about it. We are totally ok with being nerds. It is part of what makes us so awesome. I think Buglet's suggestion here crossed the line though.
Anyway, back to Shakespeare. Since I was about 7, my argument has always been that "if Shakespeare can make up words so can I".
Tink: Mum, that's not a word.
Me: Yes it is. I just used it.
Tink: You're not allowed to just make up words.
Me sadly: That is what my boss says too.
Tink: And don't say if "Shakespeare can do it so can I". You're not Shakespeare.
Squashed! On lots of levels. I think the word I had used talking to Tink was "barklet". Mostly because it make more sense in the context of some random song Pixie was singing about Flip-Flop. Flip-Flop might do many things, but she does not meow (I am assuming the song had originally been written about a cat and Pixie had altered it to suit herself. I don't ask silly questions, sometimes it is better just to assume, lots of these times are to do with Pixie).
The word my boss said I had made up was "skewy". As in "the margins are all skewy". I am pretty sure this is a real life shortened version of "askew". It is very descriptive and it really was what the stupid margins were doing.
This week we attended the dedication and naming service of my beautiful new nephew. For those of you wondering, neither Pixie nor I predicted the name. Clearly, our psychic skills are not working properly.
I got lots of photos of the eight cousins. Unfortunately none of all them together, as my gorgeous youngest niece decided to sleep for most of the time. I did sneak a cuddle in just before we left though and got a few quick pictures so she can't feel totally left out.
I haven't been able to find a collective word for a group of cousins so I am coining my own phrase. What do you all think of "a cuddle of cousins"? I think it is cute. Who knows, it may even catch on!
At one point Pixie had her own campaign to introduce the term "awesomization" into mainstream language. It didn't really take off. "Sickaling" on the other hand I catch myself using all the time.
Stay safe everyone, and enjoy the English language today. I am trying very hand to expand what words I use, so let me know if you have any favourite words or expressions!
PS Did I tell you I have a Cath shaped book?
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Cath shaped book! |
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